Sardinia's Mine

Marganai Area

This mountain area situated at north of Domusnovas is rich of many historical mines and mining villages that were build many centuries ago.

Sa Duchessa Mine: Among all the most known is the Sa Duchessa area; here activities started in 1866 with an open - air exploitation. Then undergrounds work also lead to rich veins of Pb sulfides. After 1930 new prospecting allowed the discovery of copper concentrations and for about 15 year Sa Duchessa was considered the most important Cu mine. It closed in 1952.

The most famous mineral found here was the Blue Hemimorphite

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Sa Duchessa old Dumps. Chryocolla is the most common mineral here

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The old mining village of Sa Duchessa


Barraxiutta Mine: Another quite famous mine in this area is the Barraxiutta that closed 1954 here among the finest sardinia sample of auricalcite were found

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Barraxiutta Mine  plants

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Barraxiutta Mine area

Perda Niedda: is a mine mainly with open air works. Interesting samples of flourite were found here, but also cubic pyrite and stalactitic ghoetite

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Perda Niedda open air works

Landascape of the Marganai - Oridda area